
To Endeavour is practically a synonym for to Perform – and even if easy to understand the meaning, there are strategies and more appropriate behaviors to successfully achieve.

This lecture is aimed at prospective entrepreneurs, entrepreneurs in maturing stages and managers / corporate business unit leaders, specially in early mandates. During the speech, Renato Santos presents the behavioral skills which are common among the successful entrepreneurs, and contextualizes them to today"s business environment, where social connections and high competition from all parts often change the business landscape.

The lecture lists the main entrepreneurial skills and how to develop them either for oneself or the team. In addition, contextualizes these skills to contemporary reality through examples and current success stories, both in Brazil and other countries.

Renato shows that, regardless the position as an executive or owner, the entrepreneur has different behavioral skills from the average professionals, but similar among themselves and to other successful cases. More than that: scientific research shows that these skills are present in successful entrepreneurs from around the world, regardless region, culture, class or size of the business.

In addition, Renato proves that it is possible to consciously develop entrepreneurial skills, learning either from one’s own experience or from a third-party view – and so demonstrates that it is possible to infuse entrepreneurship throughout the business, thus increasing the company’s achievement capability and, ultimately, profit.

This presentation lasts 60 to 75 minutes and may be supplemented with additional 15 to 30 minutes for questions. It may be delivered either in English or Spanish.


Renato Santos is a speaker and consultant working in Brazil and in 25 countries. He has 27,000+ hours of experience training business people, and solid entrepreneurial experience. He speaks weekly about business in “Minuto SEBRAE” broadcasted at CBN, Band News and Jovem Pan SP radios; and every 10th in "Papo de Especialistas" at TV SEBRAE (YouTube).




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