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Renato Santos is an international speaker and consultant. He‘s been working for 30 years with SEBRAE (Brazilian SMEs support agency), developing consulting and training solutions applied countrywide – Renato has more than 27,000 hours on entrepreneurship training for both entrepreneurs and executives. He collaborates with Brazilian organizations such as CNI, BNDES, IEL and others, developing tools to identify opportunities, to business modeling and general management.
Abroad, Renato is a consultant for the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD), the International Finance Corporation (IFC) and the World Bank. He operates in-company entrepreneurial and business programs; and develops integrated production chains between SMEs and corporations of specific industries such as ICT and civil aviation.
Renato is co-author of the current version of Empretec, the main entrepreneurship training program worldwide, developed by the UN and now applied in Brazil and more than 50 countries with 500,000+ impacted entrepreneurs. The consultant has worked on the installation of Empretec in 25 countries in America, Europe, Africa, Asia and the Middle East (including BRICS). In 2025, Renato is committed to install Empretec centers in Saudi Arabia, Malaysia and Indonesia.
A MD in Finance and MBA in Marketing, Renato has books on market analysis and entrepreneurship. His entrepreneurial experience is an asset: Renato partners at companies on logistics, food service and renewable energy in Brasília, where he‘s built his career and seats at the board of ICT companies. In São Paulo, Renato is an angel investor and venture capitalist, besides advisor to companies in different spheres, following a period as shareholder and Director of a medicine & health group.
From 2011 to 2014, Renato worked at the corporate reality show "The Apprentice", broadcasted in Brazil by Record TV – he was an advisor to the anchor Roberto Justus on assessing the competitors‘ performance. He may also be heard on Wednesdays, Thursdays and Fridays on CBN, Band News and Jovem Pan SP radio stations, where he answers questions from the audience of "Minuto SEBRAE"; and every 10th monthly, when he co-hosts "Papo de Especialistas" at TV SEBRAE (YouTube channel). To learn more about his media work, click here.
Since 2002, Renato has delivered more than 100 lectures in Brazil and other countries. To learn more about his work as a speaker, click here.