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This video features interesting and tense parts of the 2014 season of "The Celebrity Apprentice Brazil."


With celebrities coming from different spheres – music, sport, TV, fashion and society – the show puts known public figures in business situations to measure the adaptability, strategy and ability to act under pressure.

In the role of an Advisor to the anchor for the second time, Renato Santos had to observe, report and support Roberto Justus in choosing the best competitor – the former volleyball player and social activist Ana Moser, winner in the unprecedented triple final against two other strong competitors: the TV broadcaster Christiano Cochrane and the musician Amon Lima.



Renato Santos is a speaker and consultant working in Brazil and in 25 countries. He has 27,000+ hours of experience training business people, and solid entrepreneurial experience. He speaks weekly about business in “Minuto SEBRAE” broadcasted at CBN, Band News and Jovem Pan SP radios; and every 10th in "Papo de Especialistas" at TV SEBRAE (YouTube).


