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Check out in this video a bit more of the hard meetings where Renato Santos advised Roberto Justus in the 2014 season of "The Apprentice." This is the second of three presented on this season.


The apprentices went through not only severe trials on tasks emulating the corporate world, but also the new "Leader’s Challenge", where the boss chosen by the team faced extra topics that combined acute reasoning and physical capacity.

In the final round between the shrewd Christiano Cochrane, the hectic Amon Lima and the serene Ana Moser, the temperance and self-control of the former volleyball player and today social activist prevailed over the others.



Renato Santos is a speaker and consultant working in Brazil and in 25 countries. He has 27,000+ hours of experience training business people, and solid entrepreneurial experience. He speaks weekly about business in “Minuto SEBRAE” broadcasted at CBN, Band News and Jovem Pan SP radios; and every 10th in "Papo de Especialistas" at TV SEBRAE (YouTube).


