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On December 2017, Renato Santos joined Mário Tiellet, SAP Brazil’s Vice-President, to discuss the perspectives for the growing Brazilian SMEs on the current economic scenario and outline for 2018.

During the debate, which was broadcasted live at SAP Brazil’s Facebook page and had live questions from the audience, the preview on the Brazilian economy for 2018 was shredded considering the recent changes on Brazilian politics and society – and the consequence of the discussion was to better understand the opportunities and challenges ahead of the current moment in Brazil.


Click here to watch the full debate between the two executives, entirely conducted in Portuguese.

Renato Santos is a speaker and consultant working in Brazil and in 25 countries. He has 27,000+ hours of experience training business people, and solid entrepreneurial experience. He speaks weekly about business in “Minuto SEBRAE” broadcasted at CBN, Band News and Jovem Pan SP radios; and every 10th in "Papo de Especialistas" at TV SEBRAE (YouTube).


