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In August 2015, Renato Santos was in João Pessoa (PB-BRA) to lecture on the "Challenges of Growth" event, held to discuss the best alternatives for entrepreneurs to continue growing even amidst the economic crisis in Brazil.

In the 16-minute interview, the host Nelma Figueiredo and her team asked and heard Renato discussing the main difficulties and the safest outlets for entrepreneurs to continue investing and profiting, even considering the times of national economic depression.

A realistic yet positive portrait on the challenges and potentialities that Brazilian entrepreneurs would meet in the second half of 2015.

Renato Santos is a speaker and consultant working in Brazil and in 25 countries. He has 27,000+ hours of experience training business people, and solid entrepreneurial experience. He speaks weekly about business in “Minuto SEBRAE” broadcasted at CBN, Band News and Jovem Pan SP radios; and every 10th in "Papo de Especialistas" at TV SEBRAE (YouTube).


